The NIUAA recognizes alumni actively engaged in national security missions may prefer to not maintain a presence on the UNCLASSIFIED internet. NIUAA affiliation for this segment of eligible alumni presents valid concerns.

The NIU Alumni Association welcomes graduates of degree and certificate programs (to include those who completed either the PGIP or UGIP); current and former faculty and staff, as well as current and former research fellows from the National Intelligence University and its predecessor organizations:

  • the National Defense Intelligence College (NDIC), 2006–2011
  • the Joint Military Intelligence College (JMIC), 1993–2006
  • the Defense Intelligence College (DIC), 1983–1993
  • the Defense Intelligence School (DIS), 1962–1983

N.B.: NIU leadership requests alumni who attended either NDIC, JMIC, DIC, or DIS update their respective bona fides to reflect “National Intelligence University” instead, as transcripts for those time periods now reflect NIU, not the predecessor school. Similarly, updating our bona fides will raise NIU’s visibility.